At ShopKeep we ran instagram ads that included A/B testing. We focused on e-commerce, our POS software and our Pocket phone app that shows merchants analytics on their store's earnings, inventory, and best sellers so they can make data-driven business decisions.
Shopkeep's Pinterest posts linked directly to the website or blog which provided more information.
ShopKeep's new branding was implemented into the website. I used FullStory and Google Analytics to track user clicks, any user frustrations, CTA clicks, and basically inform all UX decisions. These pages included a "Get Started" button which opened up the lead form. This was how we got users into the funnel and gathered their info so one of our sales reps could give them a call and give them a product walkthrough.
Emails at ShopKeep were sent to our current merchants offering them upgrade packages and capital to fund their businesses. Email data meetings were held once a month to gather insights on what subject lines, graphics, CTAs, and copy were most effective. The marketing team closely monitored click through rates, open rates, and the number of upgrades made.
I have produced brochures, posters, postcards, signage, and more.
At the Princeton Review I worked with various vendors to approve all prints and color accuracy before mass production to prospects and printed items were taken to events and trade shows.
For Hello Products I produced many postcards advertising new toothpaste flavors. Below is a fun superhero themed postcard introducing the charcoal and dragon fruit flavor paste.